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Medical Tourism Interviews

The Doctor Will See You in Bangkok
A hip replacement in Thailand. A dental surgery in Costa Rica. Millions of people travel to foreign countries every year for procedures...

Mélange Interview with Elizabeth Ziemba, Feb 2024
Medical tourists often have accessibility issues that need to be addressed as part of their patient journey for treatment. Melange...

Listen to the podcast, “Medical Tourism Risks and Benefits” on HealthCall
Tune in to the podcast on HealthCall with host Lee Kelso as he talks with Elizabeth Ziemba

Medical Tourism is on the Rise; but is it Safe? Elizabeth Ziemba on AKSM Media
Although healthcare in the U.S. is better than other countries in terms of cleanliness and sanitation, it’s expensive, which is a common...

Medical tourism to Mexico is a growing, yet risky trend
By Hunter Boyce, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution “People travel because there may be a long waiting time, wait lists or other reasons...

The Escalating Dangers of Medical Tourism to Mexico Put Americans on High Alert
Elizabeth Ziemba, president of Medical Tourism Training, which provides training and accreditation to international health travel...

Elizabeth Ziemba on Mexico medical tourism, Interview on CGTN America
CGTN’s Elaine Reyes speaks to Elizabeth Ziemba, president of Medical Tourism Training, Inc. They discuss the Matamoros kidnapping and its...

Why are so many US citizens travelling to Mexico for medical care? Interview in FirstPost
Around 1.2 million Americans travel to Mexico every year seeking care for everything from dental work to cancer treatment. The kidnapping...

Medical tourism in spotlight after Mexico kidnapping
"In the US, we have the most expensive healthcare system on the planet," said Elizabeth Ziemba, president of training and consulting...

Elizabeth Ziemba Shares Insights with CNN about the Risks and Benefits of Medical Tourism
Elizabeth Ziemba shared insights with CNN about the risks and benefits of medical tourism following the senseless kidnapping of Americans...

The Future of Health Tourism - Interview with Elizabeth Ziemba & Irving Stackpole, TimeOut Croatia
The Future of Health Tourism - An Interview with Elizabeth Ziemba and Irving Stackpole, TimeOut Croatia, May 2019 Read the full interview...

Irving Stackpole, Elizabeth Ziemba Interview Ahead of Zagreb Health Cluster Seminar
March 18, 2019 - More international medical tourism expertise is heading to Zagreb to help grow the Croatian medical tourism story, as...
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